Take This Stone (Place It Upon Your Heart)

Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt
Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt

Gently, calm the frantic beat of your aching heart
Release the valve before it blows itself apart
Weigh it down before it tears a hole in your chest
Ease the pressure on that pump in your breast
It cannot reason with the scale of her treason
The masks are off, the hate is in the open

Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt
Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt

She stabbed repeatedly, with a song on her lips
She danced around your body in leaps and skips
She watched you bleed with a smile
She checked the recipe all the while
Whatever happened she did it willingly
Whatever took place she did it knowingly

Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt
Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt

Your own flesh and blood now smear you with mud
Their natural love ran dry as you drowned in the flood
The apple of your eye is the one who twisted the knife
Your one true love casually switched off your life
You are all alone … turn your heart to stone
Build a wall around … turn your heart to stone.

Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt
Take this stone, place it upon your heart
The less it moves the less it will hurt.

(c) Satori Publishing, 2016.

Do Not Ask Of Me For That First Love, My Beloved.

Do not ask of me for that first love, my beloved
As I understood it, having you here makes Life so luminous
Sharing your woes, I have no quarrel with sorrows of the world
Your radiant beauty blesses the earth with eternal Spring
What does this world possess to compare with your eyes

If you were mine, Fate would bow to my command
It was not so, though I wanted it only to be so
Other sorrows of the age leave Love trailing in the dust
The nights are for much more than just wallowing in lust

On the dark and brutal loom of Ages
Woven in silk, satin and brocade
Hand over fist, bodies sold in alleys and bazaars
Shrouded in ash, bathed in blood
Bodies forged in furnaces of pestilence
Pus oozing from their festering sores —
What can I do? My gaze keeps turning to them too
But what can I do? Though your beauty is ever attractive

Other sorrows of the age leave Love trailing in the dust
The nights are for much more than just wallowing in lust
Do not ask of me for that first love, my beloved.

(My take on a poem by the beloved Faiz Ahmed Faiz)

(c) Satori Publishing, 201

The Knowing

You know
You can SEE it or it’s invisible
If it’s possible or impossible
You know
If you can or if you cannot
If you will or you will not
You know
If you will fail or succeed
If you have a fertile seed
You know
If you will be rich or poor
It’s an open window or a closed door
You know
If by the gods you have been blessed
If by fickle Fate you have been cursed
You know
If it’s to be a famine or a feast
If you will have many or the least
You know
If you will be laughing or crying
If you will be living or dying
You know
If your time is coming or going
It is all in the knowing

And you know it.

(c) Satori Publishing, 201

The Power Of Compounding

Earn a penny, earn another to rub against
Earn and rub till the pennies are a pound
Earn another pound to double your money
Turn 2 pounds into 4
Turn 4 pounds into 8
Turn 8 pounds into 16
Turn 16 pounds into 32
Turn 32 pounds into 64
Turn 64 pounds into 128
Earn and turn, keep on turning
Once you are adding Zero after Zero
That is when you are really in the money.

(c) Satori Publishing, 201


Gangster One wants control of Gambling,Roulette of Dreams, Lottery of Illusons, etc;
Gangster Two wants control of Porn, Prostitution, Moral Values, etc;
Criminal Three wants control of Drugs, War on Drugs, Rehab Clinics, etc;
Crook Four wants control of Modern Slavery, Trade Unions, etc;
Felon Five wants control of the Arms Industry, Peacekeeping Forces, etc;
Charlatan Six wants control of the Food Industry, Weight Control, etc;
Cunt Seven wants control of Marketing, Advertising, Shopping, etc;
Dickhead Eight wants control of Freedom, Democracy, Equality, etc;
Psychopath Nine wants control of the Police, Spooks, Thought Control, etc;
Serial Killer Ten wants control of Oil, Gas, Water, Minerals, etc;
Scumbag Eleven wants control of Pharmaceuticals, GMOs, Cancer Research, etc;
Motherfucker Twelve wants control Our Way of Life, Civilised Values, etc;
Deviant Thirteen wants control of Politicians, Lobbying, Counting Votes, etc;
Douchebag Fourteen wants control of Lawyers, Judges, Parliaments, etc;
Vampire Fifteen wants control of the Media, Internet, Social Media, etc;
Rapist Sixteen wants control of Prisons, Torture Chambers, Debt Collection, etc;
Paedophile Seventeen wants control of Religion, Crowd Control, Cannon Fodder, etc;
Cannibal Eighteen wants control of Printing Money, Banking System, Charities, etc;
Necrophile Nineteen wants control of the Tax Revenue.

(c) Satori Publishing, 201

Baa! Baa!

Kindly I say, people are sheep
Blindly they will follow the Man
Who is certain of his destination —
Who promises them safe, warm shelter
Who sets boundaries, issues guidelines
Draws a clear map they must travel
A mirage of salvation for the worthy —
They will offer their throats to his knife.

(c) Satori Publishing, 201

Fuel Of Choice

If you eat like an ordinary person
You will look ordinary
You will perform ordinary
You will be ordinary;

If you fill your tank with rocket fuel
You will look like a rocket
You will perform like a rocket
You will be a rocket;

Eat one super-nutritious meal end of the day
Or, if you really want to ride the beast,
Live the most by eating the least
Starve the stomach so the soul may feast.

(c) Satori Publishing, 201

Let’s Do The Deal

In this day and age it’s all about presentation
You have to play the part to win public opinion
You’re somebody’s mother, sister, little baby
You’re so prim and proper, a real lady
After a date it’s just a simple kiss
I’ve got one thing to say — suck this!
I know you’re willing and able
Let’s put our cards on the table

Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?
Let’s do the deal
You can beg, borrow, or steal
Let’s do the deal
I don’t care how you feel
Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?

From the cave, to the mansion, to the space station
There’s a price to pay for every basic transaction
You want a solid roof over your head
You want to sleep safe and warm in bed
Clothes on your back, ring on your finger
Handbags, shoes, things that really matter
I don’t care about your airs and graces
Take all your masks off all your faces

Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?
Let’s do the deal
You can beg, borrow, or steal
Let’s do the deal
I don’t care how you feel
Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?

Do you have goods and services to trade
Get busy wheeling and dealing, or get laid
Who told you life is easy peezy
Who told you the world is lemon squeezy
Caring and sharing? You are mistaken
Learn to give and take, or be taken
We can do the business and call it romance
Lead us all on a merry song and dance

Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?
Let’s do the deal
You can beg, borrow, or steal
Let’s do the deal
I don’t care how you feel
Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?

Who told you life was a bed of roses?
Who told you to be one of the lost causes?
Life s a bed of nails covered with thorns
Life is wild animals thrusting their horns
Lust and hunger and fear are the driving forces
Feed your appetite, take control of the sources
It’s dog eat dog, it’s eat or be eaten
Life is death for those who are beaten

Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?
Tell me, how does it feel?
To know you have to make deal
To pay for your next meal
Tell me, how does it feel?
Let’s do the deal
What price your next meal?

(c) Satori Publishing, 201

The Greatest Miracle

The greatest miracle in the known universe
– the human brain
No human in history – Ever !!! – has made use of
The full potential of his brain
Each brain – on it’s own – can learn, and process,
All recorded knowledge
Each brain – on it’s own – can create anything
From a flint, to a wheel, to a flying saucer
Each brain – on it’s own – can be an artiste,
Doctor, engineer, scientist, sportsman, etc;

So why do you become a dentist
And think you have achieved something?
Why do you train as an accountant
And that is all you do all your life?
Why do you do business, making things, selling
Objects, services, and call it a life well lived?
Why take your god-brain into a cul-de-sac,
Into a dead-end, and lobotomise it?
Why take that which is Alive and deaden it?
Why take the epitome of Freedom and cage it?

Why does a brain surgeon learn to operate,
To slice, and dice, and be praised, and rewarded
But only have an inkling — that piece of meat,
That handful of jelly can create a universe,
Can destroy a world, ignite a spark
Kickstart a revolution, cure any disease
Unleash a plague, shine a light in the dark
Die saving one child, or casually massacre a million
Be alone, lonely, or love and be loved by many
Be part of a lumpen herd, or mold the clay into a god.

(c) Satori Publishing, 201